Last Update October 4, 2024
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About This Course

Philosophy of the Programme

The Bachelors of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration(BPSPA) programme is designed to produce highly trained and critical scholars who are equipped with both theoretical and practical knowledge to handle day to day challenges as addressed by the University’s’ philosophy. Learners are introduced to the three major components of the disciples namely, ethics, empiricism and prudentism. This enhances the student’s rigorous analysis of the ways of thinking and acting which is grounded in the training and research in our faculty which makes this programme unique. The programme will focus on the foundations and operations of a constitutional government, the character and cultivation of political leadership, relation of both the civil society and the task of educating citizens on exercising their liberties, civic education, understating mechanics and operations of the government and public service. The programme also allows undergraduate students to learn from an interdisciplinary approach, such as “Religion and Politics”, “Politics and Environmentalism”, or Politics and Public administration”. This concentration allows the student to draw on programs throughout the university such as, church state studies in religion, languages and communication studies, history, philosophy and sociology. 

In addition, a nexus between Political science and Public Administration combines to create a programme that cultivates deeper interdisciplinary understanding through an intellectual exchange that reveals a close relationship of the two disciplines.  Inversely, the programme also brings out the important differences in the goals of Political Science and Public Administration: the former aiming to advance the students’ theoretical knowledge in terms of basic research while, the latter offering students a multidisciplinary endeavor that focuses on applied research.

Rationale of the Programme

The study of political science and Public administration is now widely recognized in developmental circles as a crucial subject in the development of any society. In the recent past, developing countries and especially Africa have realized the centrality of progressive politics and sustainable public policies in pushing for the development agenda. Many countries in Africa are currently going through socio-political, demographic and economic transitions. As a result of this, the least developed societies in third world countriesface a number of challenges including sagging debt burdens, increasing levels of poverty, high morbidity rates, famine, population growth, climate change, environmenta

 degradation, political conflict and change in family structures. As such, political scientists and public administrators are therefore tasked with using their unique training and skills to address these problems and challenges. 

Goal of the Programme

The programme aims at illuminating on how states organize their affairs both at the national and international level. Attention will be paid to theoretical perspectives that inform issues in political science and public administration. Learners will be equipped with skills in political science and Public administration in areas such as, administration, Finance, Management, entrepreneurship, Development, governance and human resource management. Other areas of concern are how non-state actors continue to influence states decisions and impact on the behavior of states both at the national and international arena. 

Expected Learning Outcomes of the Programme

At the completion of the course, the programme in Political Science and Public Administration shallbe able to;

  1. Demonstrate their knowledge in the various subfields within the disciplines with an emphasis onPublic administration and policy, government and politics, comparative politics, and international relations.
  2. Equip learners with the skills needed for active and effective participation in a democratic society thereby resolving various issues affecting it.
  3. Conduct original research in the field of political science and public administration. 
  4. Prepare learners for careers associated with politics and administration.
  5. Have a basic understanding of political science and public administration practiced within an area of the disciplines such as Kenyan politics, public policy, comparative politics, or political theory.
  6. Equip learner’s theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to address social, economic and political complexities facing development processes locally, regionally and internationally. 

Mode of Delivery of the Programme

The unit shall be delivered on regular, distance and virtual learning. Instruction strategies will consist of: –

  1. Lectures.
  2. Tutorials.
  3. Seminar presentations.
  4. Blended (Face-to face and online lectures)
  5. Group discussions.
  6. Class presentations.
  7. Supervision.
  8. Use of E-learning platform.
  9. Field Work.

Academic Regulations for the Programme

Admission Requirements

Degree requirement for learners planning on undertaking taking BA in Political Science and Public Administration

  1. To be admitted into this programme, the applicant must fulfill KUCCPS requirements as prescribed in cluster 6 of the JAB admission criteria.
  2. A minimum mean grade of C+ in KCSE with a minimum score of C (plain) in English/ Kiswahili and any Humanity/ Social Sciences subjectsOr
  3. Two principles and subsidiary pass at KACE- “A” Level or East African Advanced Certificate of Education (EACE), with a minimum of 1 principal pass and 2 subsidiary passes Or
  4. A Mean Grade of C- (minus) in the KCSE certificate or equivalent and a Diploma in Political Science, Public Administration, Diplomacy or International Relations (lasting over one calendar year) from a recognized /accredited institution by the University senate. 
  5. Any other qualification recognized by the University Senate.

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