NELSON MATHEKA MBITHI, B. Ed (Science), M.Sc (Physics), Ph.D. (Physical sciences)
January 25, 2024 2024-01-25 6:51NELSON MATHEKA MBITHI, B. Ed (Science), M.Sc (Physics), Ph.D. (Physical sciences)

NELSON MATHEKA MBITHI, B. Ed (Science), M.Sc (Physics), Ph.D. (Physical sciences)
1.0 Personal Information
- Name : Nelson Matheka Mbithi
- Date of Birth: 17th January 1982
- Marital Status: Married
- Address: P.O. Box 1801-70100 Garissa, Kenya
- Cell phone: +254 721 103914
- E-mail Address: Or
- Languages: English, Russian, Kiswahili and Kamba
- Citizen: Kenyan
- Religion: Christianity
- Gender: Male
- Place of Birth: Machakos County-Kenya
Executive Summary:
I am currently lecturing at Garissa University (GaU) as a full time Lecturer. I hold a Ph.D. in Physical sciences from University of Pecs, Hungary, a MSc. in Physics and First-Class Honours in BEd. Science; specialized in Physics with minor option in Mathematics, both from Kenyatta University. I have a dependable background in natural sciences encompassing laser, optics and spectroscopy. I have experience in organizing laboratory infrastructure. As a Research student at University of pecs, Hungary, I developed a wide range of experience in spectroscopic applications and signal analysis. Has a hand on experience in implementation of curriculum at secondary and university level. I have good analytical, design and problem solving skills.
To contribute intellectually in the academic and research fields at universities and tertiary training levels as well as providing consultancy services in the field of Natural Sciences.
2.0 Qualifications
- a) Academic:
2018 – 2022 University of Pécs, PhD. Physical Sciences, specializations: Laser physics, nonlinear optics, and spectroscopic applications
2008 – 2012: Kenyatta University, Master of Science (in Physics) (M.SC) Specialisation : Material Science / Polymer Physics/Environmental physics
2001 – 2005: Kenyatta University, Bachelor of Education (Science) (B.Ed Science) – First Class Honors
1996 – 1999: Iiyuni Secondary School: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) – B Plain
1988– 1995: Nzaini Primary School: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) – passed
- b) Professional Qualifications
Trained Graduate Teacher, Lecturer, and a researcher
3.0 Employment History
July 2014 – To date: Lecturer, Department of Natural Sciences Garissa University (GaU)
Sep 2012- 2016: Sessional Lecturer (physics) Technical University of Kenya (TUK)
Sep 2013- May 2015: Part-Time Lecturer (physics) Machakos University (MU)
Oct 2007 – July 2014: Graduate Teacher, Teachers Service Commission, Mitaboni ABC Girls Secondary School
Sep 2005 -Oct 2007: Graduate Teacher, Muslim Secondary School
4.0 Administrative Responsibilities
Administrative positions
- Sep 2015 – Sep 2018 Dean, School of Pure and Applied sciences
- July 2014-Sep 2015 Chairman, Department of Natural Sciences
- H.O.D Games and Discipline Mitaboni ABC Girls’ secondary (2010-July 2014) • Chairperson of Machakos Kathiani Kenyatta University Students Association(2003- 2005)
5.0 Conferences / workshops
- a) Conferences
- Mbithi, M. N., Merenga, A. S. and Migwi, C.M. “Mechanical analysis and thermal properties of bitumen-acacia sap composites”; enhancing innovation for sustainable development in the 21st century”, 29th – 31st , November 2014 Chuka university, Chuka, Kenya.
- Maithya J and N. M. Mbithi “A Review of Fisheries Management Systems in Kenya: Good ideas, Strategic management, Production estimates” Conference on Research and innovation for sustainable development and secure world, 14th-17th July 2015; Kabarak University-Kenya
- Maithya J and N. M. Mbithi “Ecological Evolution of Lake Sare: The need to develop and manage Fisheries Resources of the Small Water Bodies in Kenya ” Conference on Research and innovation for sustainable development and secure world, 14th-17th July 2015; Kabarak University-Kenya
- Maithya J and N. M. Mbithi “Growth performance of Oreochromis variabilis larvae: A case Study of Effect of Live and Formulated Diets on Growth and Survival rates” Conference on Research and innovation for sustainable development and secure world, 14th-17th July 2015; Kabarak University Kenya
- Fülöp, J.A., Almási, G., Krizsán, G., Mbithi, N.M., Mechler, M.I., Nugraha, P.S., Pálfalvi, L., Polónyi, G., Sharma, A., Tibai, Z. and Tokodi, L. Microstructured Intense THz Sources. In Terahertz Science and Applications (pp. TTh4D-4). Optica Publishing Group (2019, November).
- Krizsán, G., Mbithi, N.M., Polónyi, G., Tóth, G., Mechler, M., Hebling, J. and Fülöp, J.A. Semiconductors as Highly Efficient Single and Multicycle Terahertz Sources. In The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (p. cc_p_22). Optica Publishing Group (2019 June).
- Polónyi, G., Nugraha, P.S., Mbithi, N.M., Krizsán, G., Monoszlai, B., Mechler, M.I., Tóth, G., Hebling, J. and Fülöp, J.A. Highly Efficient Scalable Semiconductor Terahertz Sources. In 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) (pp. 1-3). IEEE (September 2019)
- Fülöp, J.A., Polónyi, G., Gergö, K., Mbithi, N.M., Nugraha, P.S., Almási, G., Pálfalvi, L., Tibai, Z., Tóth, G., Hebling, J. and Stummer, V. Novel intense single-and multicycle THz sources. In 2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz) (pp. 1-2). IEEE(November 2020).
- Krizsán, G., Polónyi, G., Mbithi, N.M., Tibai, Z., Pálfalvi, L., Tóth, G., Nasi, L., Fülöp, J.A. and Hebling, J., 2021, August. Easily adaptable and scalable semiconductor THz pulse source. In 2021 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) (pp. 1- 1). IEEE (2021).
- Imene, Benabdelghani ; Gergő, Krizsán ; Luis, Nasi ; Nelson, M. Mbithi ; József, A. Fílöp: Measurements of four-photon absorption in lithium niobate (2021)1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials , 2021.04.21-22 , Ourgla, Algeria
- Nelson, M. Mbithi ; Gyula, Polonyi ; Gergő, Krizsán ; Luis, Nasi ; János, Hebling ; József, A. Fülöp. Design of semiconductor contact-grating terahertz source for high energy terahertz pulse generation. Doctoral Student Association of the University of Pécs (2021) 128 p. pp. 87-87
- b) Workshops and Summer school
- 25TH Postgraduate seminar; applying research to regional challenges of leadership and citizenship. November 2012: Kenyatta University
- ELI-ALPS, Szeged, Hungary, Summer School 2020, Comprehensive overview of intense laser pulses and laser-driven particle and radiation sources. 26-28 August 2020.
- ELISS 2021 Czech republic by eli beamlines laser centre summer school 2021, Comprehensive overview of intense laser pulses and laser-driven particle and radiation sources August 24 – 27, 2021
6.0 Research, Publications
6.1 Refereed Journal
- Mbithi N.M., Merenga A.S. and Migwi C.M., “ Creep and Recovery of Bitumen – Acacia Sap Composites “ International Journal of Research and Technology “ 1(11) 029 – 033 (2013)
- Mbithi N.M., Merenga A.S. and Migwi C.M., “ Mechanical Analysis and Thermal Properties of Bitumen – Acacia Sap Composites “ International Journal of Research and Technology “ 1(2) 7 (2013)
- Maithya J., P. Wanjala and N. Mbithi. 2015. Environmental Impact Assessment of Elgeyo – Eldoret Road project: Why an EIA Report. Proceedings:5th Kabarak University Annual International Conference: Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development and A Secure World 14th– 17th July 2015
- Maithya, J., Mbithi, N.M. and Wanjala. Growth performance of Oreochromis variabilis larvae: A case study of the effect of live and formulated diets on growth and survival rates. International journal of fisheries and Aquaculture, 9(2), pp.14-23(2017).
- Wanjala, P., Maithya, J., Ali, R. and Mbithi, N.M. Dwindling Wetland Ecosystems: A Survey of Impacts of Anthropogenic Activity on Marura Wetland, Kenya. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 14(4), pp.1-19(2018).
- Mbithi, N.M, Krizsán, G., Polónyi, G., Tibai, Z., Hebling, J. and Fülöp, J.A. Highly efficient THz pulse generation in semiconductors utilizing contact-gratings technology. In Compact EUV & X-ray Light Sources OSA(2020).
- Abufadda, M.H., Mbithi, N.M., Polónyi, G., Nugraha, P.S., Buzády, A., Hebling, J., Molnár, L. and Fülöp, J.A. Absorption of Pulsed Terahertz and Optical Radiation in Earthworm Tissue and Its Heating Effect. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, pp.1-13(2021).
- Golicha, H.S., Omar, M.H. and Mbithi, N.M. Optical Techniques in the Determination of Pitch Lengths in the Cholesteric and Chiral Smectic C Phases. J. Mater. Sci. Eng, 10(3) (2021).
- Mbithi, N.M., Tóth, G., Tibai, Z., Benabdelghani, I., Nasi, L., Krizsán, G., Hebling, J. and Polónyi, G. Investigation of terahertz pulse generation in semiconductors pumped at long infrared wavelengths. JOSA B, 39(10), pp.2684-2691(2022).
- Tibai, Z., Mbithi, N.M., Almási, G., Fülöp, J.A. and Hebling, J., 2022. Design of semiconductor contact grating terahertz source with enhanced diffraction efficiency. Crystals, 12(8), p.1173 (2022).
6.2. Other publications
- Mbithi, M.N., 2012. Mechanical Properties and Thermal Degradation Of Bitumen-Acacia Sap Composites (master’s dissertation, Kenyatta University).
- Mbithi, M.N. Designs of optimized semiconductor contact grating terahertz sources (PhD dissertation, University of Pecs 2022).
6.3 Professional/Institutional Affiliation
- Kenya Physical Society (KPS).
- Stipendium Hungaricum Alumni-Kenya Chapter.
- Kenyatta University Alumni.
6.4 Postgraduate Students Supervision
- Onyango Cecil Otieno, M.Sc Student, Research Project Title: Optimization of Electro Optic Detection of Weak Terahertz Pulses (Co-supervisors: Dr. Polónyi Gyula) MSc Completed, July 2021.
6.5 Research interests
- Renewable energy and application
- Thin films coatings for application in energy efficient smart windows
- Doped metal oxides for application as Transparent Conducting Oxides
- Polymeric materials and fiber technology
- Laser physics and optics
- Spectroscopy and its applications
- Computational Physics mainly using G-Solver, MATLAB, Maple, Wolfram Mathematica and COMSOL Multiphysics softwares.
- Aquatics wildlife and wetland management
- Reading
- Sports
- Traveling
- Conflict management
- Dr. I. Sitati Senior Lecturer
(0720 801 410) School Pure and Applied Sciences Garissa University P.O.Box 1801-70100 Nairobi
- Prof. Robinson .J. Musembi, Associate Professor Physics (0788 696 935) Department of Physics, University of Nairobi P.O. Box 30197-00100 Nairobi-Kenya
Associate Professor Physics
- Prof. J. M. Odote Physics and space science Dept (0722 735 720) Technical University of Kenya P.O. Box 52428-00200 Nairobi.